The future of business is here! We are excited to announce that the SIDC Business Foresight Forum (BFF) 2024 will take centre stage on 22 August 2024 from 9.00am – 5.00 pm.

This year’s forum is dedicated to empowering emerging enterprises. Join us for thought-provoking discussions on cultivating a thriving startup ecosystem through innovation and revolutionary strategies.

Key Highlights:

  • Malaysia 2025: Seizing Opportunities with Optimism Amidst Uncertainties
  • Unlocking the Growth of MSMEs Investments and Digital Innovations
  • Case Study – Journey from Coffee Kiosk to Coffee Empire
  • Building and Scaling Your Dreams from the Ground Up
  • Navigating Alternative Markets: Trends, Challenges and Investment Opportunities in the Asia Pacific Region
  • From Vision to Reality: Space Tech Journey in Revolutionary Technology and Impact
  • Futurist Insights in Accelerating Startup Growth

Stay tuned! We’ll be unveiling the full program and speaker lineup soon. Secure your seat at the forefront of Malaysia’s business revolution!


Join us in person at the Securities Commission Malaysia or participate virtually – the choice is yours!

Landing Page:

Registration – Physical: RM 2,000:

Registration – Virtual: RM 1,500:

*Fee is not inclusive of SST

Published On: 22 August 2024 / Categories: Latest News /